
Grace Life Community is a collective of Jesus-followers who together seek to grow in knowledge, faith, and love for God. Our campus is located centrally in Wasilla along Bogard Road, strategically positioning us to reach the Mat-Su Valley with the good news of Jesus Christ. We strive to uphold unity with grace, teach truth in love, and testify to the hope we have in Jesus.



The Basics

These five points provide a concise overview of what it means to follow Jesus, but it's important to note that the depth and richness of this journey can't be fully captured in a brief summary. Following Jesus is a lifelong pursuit that encompasses continual growth, learning, and a deepening relationship with Him.

Faith and Belief

Following Jesus starts with a personal belief in Him as the Son of God and Savior of the world. This includes accepting His teachings, acknowledging His sacrificial death and resurrection, and placing our trust in Him for salvation and eternal life. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life. They do not come into judgment but have passed from death to life.”

Repentance and Transformation

Following Jesus involves having a repentant heart, where we acknowledge and turn away from our sins. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, our hearts are transformed to become more like Jesus. This transformation includes surrendering our desires and aligning ourselves with His teachings and example. As our hearts and minds are renewed, we develop a deep desire to live a life that reflects His love, grace, and righteousness.

Relationship and Discipleship

Following Jesus is not just about adhering to a set of rules or religious rituals but entering into a personal relationship with Him. It involves knowing Him through prayer, studying His Word, and being guided by the Holy Spirit. We aim to deepen our connection with Jesus and grow in our love for Him. As we cultivate this relationship, we also seek fellowship with other believers within the church, as Jesus Himself emphasized, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Being a disciple of Jesus means learning from Him, imitating His character, and serving others selflessly. Jesus exemplified this by washing His disciples' feet and putting the needs of others above His own, ultimately through His sacrificial death on the cross. Fellowship with other believers becomes an integral part of discipleship, providing an environment for growth, support, and encouragement. Together, we journey in discipleship, embodying love and reflecting the transformative power of our relationship with Jesus.

Eternal Perspective and Hope

Following Jesus encompasses embracing an eternal perspective and acknowledging that this earthly life is temporary and that genuine fulfillment and purpose are discovered in a personal relationship with Him. It involves placing hope in the promise of eternal life, made possible through Jesus' resurrection, and living with the assurance of God's unwavering love and His abiding presence, both in the present and throughout the future. Additionally, as followers of Jesus, we are called to encourage others and engage in fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, believers, nurturing a supportive and uplifting community of saints in the living hope of Jesus.

Mission and Witness

Following Jesus encompasses a life of mission and witness. As His disciples, we actively engage in discipling others, embracing the Great Commission's call to share His teachings and make new disciples. We testify to the transformative power of Jesus in our lives, boldly proclaiming how He has brought about change, redemption, and purpose. Living with intentionality, we daily seek opportunities to extend His love and grace to those around us, demonstrating the Gospel through our words, actions, and relationships. By embracing this mission-focused lifestyle, we fulfill our calling to be authentic witnesses, shining His light and sharing the message of hope with a world in need.

If you have questions about these points or want more information, let us know! We’d love to talk with you about it.

Community Groups

We desire for everyone in our church to be a part of a community group, where they can grow in faith and build genuine relationships with other believers. Our groups dig deeper into the scripture studied in the previous Sunday’s Worship Gathering for further discussion and application. Community groups meet in homes to share a meal, discussion, and prayer weekly throughout the school year.

Kid's Ministry

Children are a joy in our church community! Our Kid’s Ministry focuses on building their love for Christ and knowledge of Him in ways that encourage spiritual growth and discipleship.

Kids’ Bible Study is on Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. for ages four through eleven. After bible study, kids  join their families for a time of fellowship and refreshments before we all go to the Worship Gathering together. The beginning of the Worship Gathering is a great opportunity to worship together as a family through music. Following the songs kids are led to Children’s Church during the remainder of the Gathering. 

Children of all ages are always welcome to join their families for the entirety of our Worship Gathering. We love having them join us as we worship God together!

Youth Ministry

In addition to Sunday morning Bible Study and Community Groups, youth have options for studying the Word together during the week!

We partner with Young Life Mat-Su to help students grow in their faith. Young Life starts with adults who desire to invest in the lives of students, training them to go to the students, on their turf and in their culture, and build authentic friendships. These leaders come alongside students, sharing God’s love for them, believing in them, and simply walking through life with them. 

Young Life leaders love teens regardless of their response to the Gospel — they take on this challenge in order to show kids they can be fully know and fully loved by them, and by the God who created them.

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